
Journal Publications

ǂ – indicates current or former students as authors

ǂAkhmedova, A., ǂSutcliffe, J., Greenhow, C., Fisher, M., & Sung, C. (2024) Social media use among neurodivergent college students: Benefits, harms and implications for education. Information and Learning Sciences, 125(10), 849-875.

Greenhow, C., ǂAkhmedova, A., ǂSutcliffe, J., Fisher, M., & Sung, C. (2024). Students with and without disabilities using social media: Relationship benefits and implications for education. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education.

Capraro, V., Lentsch, A., Acemoglu, D., ǂAkgun, S., ǂAkhmedova, A., Bilancini, E., Bonnefon, J., Brañas-Garza, P., Butera, L., Douglas, K. M., Everett, J. A. C., Gigerenzer, G., Greenhow, C., Hashimoto, D. A., Holt-Lunstad, J., Jetten, J., Johnson, S., Kunz, W. H., Longoni, C., Lunn, P., Natale, S., Paluch, S., Rahwan, I., Selwyn, N., Singh, V., Suri, S., ǂSutcliffe, J., Tomlinson, J., van der Linden, S., Van Lange, P. A. M., Wall, F., Van Bavel, J. J., Viale, R. (2024). The impact of generative artificial intelligence on socioeconomic inequalities and policy making, PNAS Nexus, 3(6), 1-17

Greenhow, C.Staudt Willet, K.B.and Carpenter, J.P. (2024), “Guest editorial: Introduction to the special issue – learning with social media in an algorithmic age: opportunities and challenges for education”, Information and Learning Sciences, 125(9), 617-627.

ǂKim, H., Freddolino, P. P., & Greenhow, C. (2023). Older adults’ technology anxiety as a barrier to digital inclusion: A scoping review. Educational Gerontology.

Greenhow, C., Lewin, C. & ǂStaudt Willet, K.B. (2023). Teachers without borders: Professional learning spanning social media, place and time. Learning, Media & Technology, 48(4), 666-684.

Greenhow, C., Graham, C. R., & Koehler, M. J. (2022). Foundations of online learning: Challenges and opportunities. Educational Psychologist, 57(4), 131-147. 

ǂAkgun, S., & Greenhow, C. (2022). Artificial intelligence in education: Addressing ethical challenges in K-12 settings. AI and Ethics, 2, 431-440.

Greenhow, C., ǂGalvin, S., & ǂStaudt Willet, K.B. (2021). Inquiring tweets want to know: #Edchat supports for #remoteteaching during COVID-19. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4).

Greenhow, C. & Lewin, C. (2021). Online and blended learning: Contexts and conditions for education in an emergency. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4), 1301-1305.

Chapman, A. & Greenhow, C. (2021). Applying a critical lens to teachers’ use of social media for civic education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 21(2).

Marich, H., Brandon, D., Greenhow, C., & Hartman, D. (2021). Eight tweeters tweeting: The writing processes of second graders’ composing with social media. Elementary School Journal, 122(1).

Knake, K. T., Daly, A. J., Frank, K. A., Rehm, M., & Greenhow, C. (2021). Educators meet the Fifth Estate: Social media in education. Elementary School Journal, 122 (1), 2-7.

Greenhow, C., & Lewin, C. (2021).Response to Covid-19 across two countries: Critical examination of digital pedagogy adoption. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 30(1), 7-25.

Greenhow, C., ǂ
Galvin, S., Brandon, D., & ǂAskari, E. (2020). A decade of research on K-12 teaching and teacher learning with social media: Insights on the state-of-the-field. (Open Access) Teachers College Record, 122 (6).

Greenhow, C., & Chapman, A. (2020). Social distancing meet social media: Digital tools for connecting students, teachers, and citizens in an emergency. Information and Learning Sciences, 
121 (5/6), 341-352.

ǂGalvin, S. & Greenhow, C. (2020). Writing on social media: A review of research in the high school classroom. TechTrends, 64, 57-69.

Greenhow, C.,& ǂGalvin, S. (2020).Teaching with social media:  Evidence-based strategies for making remote higher education less remote. Information and Learning Sciences, 121 (7/8), 513-524.

Greenhow, C., ǂGalvin, S., ǂAskari, E., & Brandon, D., (2020). #Cloud2Class: The disruption and reorganization of educational resources with social media. American Journal of Education, 127 (1), 1-11.

Torphy, K.T., Brandon, D.L., Daly, A.J., Frank, K.A., Greenhow, C., Hu, S., & Rehm, M. (2020). Social media, education and digital democratization. Teachers College Record, 122 (6), 1-7.

Greenhow, C., Galvin, S. & Staudt Willet, K. B. (2019). What should be the role of social media in education? Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6(2), 178-185.

Greenhow, C., Li, J. & Mai, M. (2019). Social scholars: Learning through tweeting in the academic conference backchannel. British Journal of Educational Technology.

Greenhow, C., Cho, V., Dennen, V., & Fishman, B. (2019). Education and social media: Research directions to guide a growing field. Teachers College Record, 121 (14).

Greenhow, C., Gleason, B., Willet, K. B. S. (2019). Social scholarship revisited: Changing scholarly practices in the age of social media. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50 (3), 987-1004.

Rehm, M., Manca, S., Brandon, D., Greenhow, C. (2019).Beyond disciplinary boundaries: Mapping educational science in the discourse on social media. Teachers College Record, 121 (14).

Chapman, A., & Greenhow, C. (2019). Citizen-scholars: Social media and the changing nature of scholarship. Publications, 7(1), 11-20.

Krutka, D., Manca, S., ǂAskari, E., ǂGalvin, S., Greenhow, C., Koehler, M. (2019). Teaching “against” social media: Confronting problems of profit in the curriculum. Teachers College Record, 121 (14).

ǂWicks, J., Greenhow, C., & Tyler, A. (2019). Adjunct faculty onboarding: Is social media a solution. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2019.1616007

Brandon, D., Daly, A., Frank, K., Greenhow, C., Hu, S., Rehm, M., Torphy, K. (2019). Welcome to Cloud2Class: Social media in education. Teachers College Record, 121 (14). *Authors contributed equally and listed alphabetically.

Greenhow, C., ǂGleason, B., ǂMarich, H., ǂStaudt Willet, B. (2017). Educating social scholars: Examining novice researchers’ practices with social media. Qwerty: Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, 12 (2).

ǂGleason, B., Greenhow, C. (2017). Hybrid learning in higher education: The potential of teaching and learning with robot-mediated communication. Online Learning [formerly Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN)].

Greenhow, C. & ǂAskari, E. (2017). Learning and teaching with social network sites: A decade of research in K-12 related education. Education and Information Technologies, 1-23.

Tsovaltzi, D., Greenhow, C. & Asterhan, C. (2015). When friends argue: Learning from and through social network site discussions. Computers & Human Behavior, 53, 567-569.

Greenhow, C., Menzer, M. & Gibbins, T. (2015). Re-thinking scientific literacy: Arguing science issues in a niche facebook application. Computers & Human Behavior, 53, 593-604.

Greenhow, C. & Lewin, C. (2015). Recrafting formal education: shifting the boundaries of formal and informal learning. Learning, Media & Technology, 40 (3), 128-148.

Li, J. & Greenhow, C. (2015). Scholars and social media: Tweeting in the conference backchannel for professional learning. Education Media International, 52 (1), 1-14.

Greenhow, C. & ǂGleason, B. (2015). The Social Scholar: Re-interpreting scholarship in the shifting university. On the Horizon, 23 (4).

Greenhow, C. & ǂGleason, B. (2014). Social scholarship: Reconsidering scholarly practices in the age of social media. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45 (3), 392-402.

Ellison, N., Wohn, Y., & Greenhow, C. (2014). Adolescents’ visions of their future careers, educational plans and life pathways: The role of bridging and bonding social capital experiences. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships 31 (4), 516 – 534.

Henrikson, D., Mishra, P., Greenhow, C., ǂCain, W., & Roseth, C. (2014). A tale of two courses:  Innovation in the hybrid/online doctoral program at Michigan State University. Tech Trends, 58 (4). 45-53.

Greenhow, C., ǂGleason, B., & Li, J. (2014). Psychological, social, and educational dynamics of adolescents’ online social networking: Implications for educational designs. Media Education. Studi, ricerche, buone pratiche, 5 (2).’_Online_Social_Networking

Greenhow, C. & ǂGleason, B. (2012). Twitteracy: Tweeting as a new literacy practice. The Educational Forum, 76, 463–477. (Article was the journal’s 6th most cited and 4th most read article in the period 2012-2015.)

Greenhow, C., Burton, L., Robelia, B. (2011). Help from my “Friends:” Social capital in the social network sites of low-income high school students. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 45 (2), 223-245.

Greenhow, C. (2011). Youth, learning, and social media. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 45 (2), 139-146.

Robelia, B., Greenhow, C., & Burton, L. (2011). Adopting environmentally responsible behaviors: How learning within a social networking application motivated students to act for the environment. Environmental Education Research, 17(4), 553-575.

Greenhow, C. (2011). Online social networks and learning. On the Horizon, 15(1), 4-12. (Article received 2012 Outstanding Paper Award from Emerald Publishing Literati Network; article is was the journal’s 3rd most cited article and 2nd most read article in the 3 years since publication.

Greenhow, C. (2011). Online social networking and learning: What are the interesting questions for research? International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 1(1), 36-50.

Greenhow, C. (2010). Youth as content producers in a niche social network site. New Directions in Youth Development: Theory, Research & Practice, (128), 55-64.

Greenhow, C., ǂRobelia, E., & Hughes, J. (2009). Web 2.0 and classroom research: What path should we take now? Educational Researcher, 38(4), 246-259.
***Web of Science “Highly Cited Paper” Distinction”: “As of September/October 2017, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Social Sciences, general based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.”

Greenhow, C., ǂRobelia, E., & Hughes, J. (2009). Research on learning and teaching with Web 2.0: Bridging conversations. Educational Researcher, 38(4), 280-283.

Greenhow, C. & ǂRobelia, E. (2009a). Old communication, new literacies: Social network sites as social learning resources. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 14, 1130-1161.

Greenhow, C. & ǂRobelia, E. (2009b) Informal learning and identity formation in online social networks. Learning, Media and Technology, 34(2), 119-140

Greenhow, C., Walker, J.D. & ǂ Kim, S. (2009). Millenial learners and net-savvy teens: Examining internet use among low-income students. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 26(2), 63-69.

Greenhow, C. (2009). Social scholarship: Applying social networking technologies to research practices. Knowledge Quest, 37(4), 42-47.

Greenhow, C. (2008). Commentary: Connecting formal and informal learning in the age of participatory media: A response to Bull et. al. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(3). Available at: 

Greenhow, C., Dexter, S., & Hughes, J. (2008). Teacher knowledge about technology integration: An examination of inservice and preservice teachers’ instructional decision-making. Science Education International, 19(1), pp. 9-25.

Greenhow, C. & Belbas, B. (2007). Using activity-oriented design methods to study collaborative knowledge-building. International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (2), 363-390.

Greenhow, C., Walker, J.D., Donnelly, D., & Cohen, B.A. (2007). Fair use in the digital age: Using online tools to teach decision-making about fair use and copyright in higher education. Innovate-Journal of Online Education, 4(1).

Greenhow, C., Walker, J.D., Donnelly, D., & Cohen, B.A. (2007). Fair use analysis tool: Empowering ECT professionals to make decisions about fair use. Techtrends, 51(5), 11-13.

 Greenhow, C., Dexter, S. & Riedel, E. (2006). Methods for evaluating web-based environments for teacher professional development on technology integration. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 23(1), 21-28.


Greenhow, C. & Sonnevend, J., & Agur, C. (2016). Education and social media: Toward a digital future. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, Digital Media & Learning Series. Available here:

Book Chapters

Krutka, D. G.., Greenhow, C., Kimmons, R., & Pangrazio, L. & Trust, T. (2025). The State of educational technology research and practice In D. A. Christakis (Ed.), Handbook of Children, Adolescents, and Screens. Springer.

ǂChapman, A., ǂAnkenbrand, A., ǂEaton, M., Greenhow, C., & ǂNeal, M. (in press). Social media as an expressive communication tool.  In M. E. Deschaine, R. W. Francis & D. E. Whale (Eds.), Effective educational social media. Washington DC: NCPEA Books.

ǂNeal, M., ǂEaton, M., Greenhow, C., ǂAnkenbrand, A., ǂChapman, A.  (in press). Evaluating social media.  In M. E. Deschaine, R. W. Francis & D. E. Whale (Eds.), Effective educational social media. Washington DC: NCPEA Books.

Greenhow, C., ǂGalvin, S., ǂStaudt Willet, K.B., & Chapman, A. (2023). Social media and learning. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan & G. Smith (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th volume). London: Elsevier.

ǂStaudt Willet, K. B., Greenhow, C., & Lewin, C. (2021). Tweeting across the pond: U.K. and U.S. emergency learning networks in Twitter #Edchat during COVID-19. In D. C. Gibson, & M. N. Ochoa (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2021. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). *Invited re-print of conference paper.

Greenhow, C., Galvin, S., & Staudt Willet, K. B. (2021).Research methods unique to digital contexts: An introduction to virtual ethnography. In N. Duke & M. Mallette (Eds.), Handbook of literacy research methodologies (3rd ed., pp. 102-120). New York, NY: Guildford Press.

ǂGalvin, S. & Greenhow, C. (2020). Educational networking: A novel discipline for improving K-12 learning based on social networks. In A. Pena-Ayala (Ed.), Lecture notes in social networks. London: Springer.

Greenhow, C. (2018). Social scholar, skyped-in spouse: Living the academic life through social media. In A. T. Kemp (Ed.), The Dignity of the calling: Educators share the beginnings of their journeys. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

ǂChapman, A., ǂLei, M., & Greenhow, C. (2017). Social Network Applications for Education: The Case of College Connect. In N. Dey, R. Babo, A. Ashour, V. Bhatnagar, & M. S. Bouhlet (Eds). Social Networks Science:  Design, Implementation, Security, and Challenges. New York, NY: Springer.

Greenhow, C., ǂChapman, A., ǂMarich, H. & ǂAskari, E. (2017). Social media and social networks.  In K. Peppler (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Li, J., Greenhow, C., ǂAskari, E. (2017). Scholars in the digital age: Social scholarship and practices. In A. Esposito (Ed.), Research 2.0 and the impact of digital technologies on scholarly inquiry. IGI Global: Hershey, PA.

Greenhow, C. & Sonnevend, J., & Agur, C. (2016). Digital education and social media. In C. Greenhow, J. Sonnevend, & C. Agur (Eds.), Education and social media: Toward a digital future. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, Digital Media & Learning Series.

ǂMai, M., ǂPoppe, A., & Greenhow, C. (2016). Social media and education on a massive scale: The Case of MOOCs.  In C. Greenhow, J. Sonnevend, & C. Agur (Eds.), Education and social media: Toward a digital future. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, Digital Media & Learning Series.

Greenhow, C. & ǂ Askari, E. (2016). Peers and social media networks: Exploring adolescents’ social functioning and academic outcomes. In K. Wentzel & G. Ramani. (Eds.), Social influences on social-emotional, motivation, and cognitive outcomes in school contexts. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Publishing.

Mishra, P., Koehler, M., & Greenhow, C. (2015). New technology-based methods for educational psychology. In L. Corno & E. Anderman (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology (3rd edition) (pp. 29-40). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor-Francis.

ǂGibbins, T. & Greenhow, C. (2014). Social networking applications as third spaces for writing development. In R. Anderson & C. Mims (Eds.), Handbook of research on digital tools for writing instruction in K-12 settings: Student perception and experience (pp. 154-170). New York, NY: Springer.

Greenhow, C. (2014). Social networking.  In R. Gunstone (Ed.), Encyclopedia of science education. New York, NY: Springer.

Greenhow, C. (2013). Online social networking for learning. In R. Slavin (Ed.), Proven practices education: Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). California: Corwin. Re-print.

Greenhow, C. & Li, J. (2013). Like, comment, share: Collaboration and civic engagement in social network sites.  In C. Mouza & N. Lavigne (Eds.), Emerging technologies for the classroom: A learning sciences perspective (pp. 127-141). New York, NY: Springer.

Greenhow, C. (2013). Literacies in online social networking applications.  In G. Merchant, J. Gillen, J. Marsh & J. Davies (Eds.), Virtual literacies: Interactive spaces for children and young people (pp. 181-189). London: Routledge.

Greenhow, C. (2011). Research methods unique to digital contexts: An introduction to virtual ethnography. In N. Duke & M. Mallette (Eds.), Handbook of literacy research methodologies (pp. 70-86). New York, NY: Guildford Press.

Greenhow, C. & Robelia, B. (2009). Educational benefits of social network sites: Applications to human services education. In Hawkins, L. & Martin, J. (Eds.). Information communication technologies for human services education and delivery: Concepts and Cases (pp. 15-36). IGI Global Publishing.

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

Greenhow, C., ǂAkhmedova, A., ǂSutcliffe, J., & ǂAkgun, S. (2023). A vision for teacher education: Blurring professional learning boundaries with social media. In P. Christenson & J. Sanson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2023 (pp. xxx-xxx). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

*Greenhow, C., Koehler, M. Shea, P., Archambault, L., Leary, H., Hickey, D., & Means, B. (2023). Diverse perspectives on improving contemporary online learning theory, research and practice. In P. Christenson & J. Sanson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2023 (pp. xxx-xxx). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

ǂAskari, E., & Greenhow, C. (2023). A case study in how K-12 students learn about digital citizenship using social media in school. In P. Christenson & J. Sanson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2023 (pp. xxx-xxx). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

ǂAkgun, S. & Greenhow, C. (2022). Artificial intelligence (AI) in education: Addressing societal and ethical challenges in K-12 settings. In C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan & Y. Kali (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2022 (pp. 1372-1377). Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Greenhow, C. (2022). Scholars without borders: Practices and concerns about social media use in academia. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2022 (pp. xxx-xxx). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Greenhow, C. & ǂGalvin, S. (2021). What inquiring tweets want to know: Teachers use of #Edchat for emergency professional learning. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2021 (pp. 1738-1744). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

ǂStaudt Willet, K. B., Greenhow, C., & Lewin, C. (2021). Tweeting across the pond: COVID-19 emergency learning networks in the United Kingdom and the United States through Twitter #Edchat. In E. Langran & Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2021 (pp. 1769-1778). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Chapman, A. & Greenhow, C. (2020). Twitter in youth civic education. In G. H. Marks & D. Schmidt-Crawford (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2020 (pp. 1464-1470). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Greenhow, C., Gleason, G., Krutka, D., Dousay, T., Carpenter, J. (2019). #SocialMediaEd: Perspectives on teaching about and with social media in higher education. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2019 (pp. 97-100). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

ǂGalvin, S. & Greenhow, C. (2019). Understanding adolescent writing on social media: A literature review. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2019 (pp. 138-146). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Askari, E., Brandon, D., Galvin, S. and Greenhow, C. (2018) Youth, Learning and Social Media in K12 Education: The State of the Field. Paper submitted for presentation to the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), London, England, June 24-30, 2018.

*Greenhow, C., Campbell, D., Galvin, S., Askari, E. (2018). Social media in teacher professional development: A literature review. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Washington, DC, March 26-30, 2018.

*Greenhow, C., Marich, H., & Staudt Willet, K. B. (2017). Social Scholars: Re-envisioning Graduate Education in the Age of Social Media. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Austin, TX, March 6-10, 2017.

*Greenhow, C., Chapman, A., & Lei, M. (2017). Help from Friends: Facebook’s Potential for Adolescents’ Academic Help-seeking. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Austin, TX, March 6-10, 2017.

*Greenhow, C., ǂ Askari, E., Tsovaltzi, D., Asterhan, C., Polman, J., et al. (2016). Teachers and professional development: New contexts, modes, and concerns in the age of social media. ICLS 2016: Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Conference, Singapore, June 20-24, 2016.

*ǂMarich, H., & Greenhow, C. (2016). Technology integration and teachers’ stages of concern categorized by TPACK knowledge types. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Savannah, Georgia, March 21-24, 2016.

* ǂJeon, Y.G., Ellison, N., Hogan, B., & Greenhow, C. (2016). Examining peer supports in the College Connect Facebook application. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). San Francisco, CA (February 27–March 2, 2016). **Paper won CSCW Honorable Mention Paper Award in 2016.

*Greenhow, C., Menzer, M. & Gibbins, T. (2014). Argumentation and civic engagement in a Facebook application. In Polman, J. (Ed). ICLS 2014: Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Conference, Boulder, Colorado, June 20-25, 2014.

*Walker, S. & Greenhow, C. (2010). The internet and human relationships: Revisiting the personal social networks of parents. Proceedings of the National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 2-3, 2010.

*Lewin, C., Greenhow, C., & Crook, M. (2010). Recrafting formal education: Shifting the boundaries of formal and informal learning. Accepted for presentation. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research, Helsinki, Finland, August 23-27, 2010.

*Greenhow, C. (2009). Social network sites and education: Emerging research within CSCL. In A. Dimitrakopoulou (Ed.), CSCL 2009: Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 10-12.

*Greenhow, C. (2008). Characterizing teens’ online socio-cultural practices to inform teachers’ development of networked pedagogy. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 4-8, 2008.

*Greenhow, C. & Schultz, K. (2007). Using online social networks in an elective learning environment to support underrepresented students’ engagement in education. In C.A. Chinn, G. Erkens, S. Puntambekar (Eds.), CSCL 2007: Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey, July 16-21.

*Greenhow, C. (2007). What teacher education needs to know about Web 2.0: Preparing new teachers in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, San Antonio, March 26-28, 2007

Hughes, J.E., Greenhow, C., & Schifter, C. (2006). Information Technology Diffusion/Integration Section Introduction. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference Proceedings (CD-ROM).

*Greenhow, C. (2004). Creative play or ‘puter time: Preservice teachers’ use of Internet-based tools to challenge beliefs about early childhood education. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Atlanta, March 27-29, 2004

*Dexter, S. & Greenhow, C. (2002). Evaluating web-based environments for teacher professional development on technology integration. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference. Nashville, March 18-22, 2002.